Southeastern Pennsylvania Early Childhood Coalition

Join the Southeastern Pennsylvania Early Childhood Coalition (SEPECC)!
SEPECC serves as an umbrella of organizations supporting the mission of providing high quality early childhood services to all families. It represents child care centers, family child care programs, advocacy groups, training agencies, early care support agencies, and funders who share the goal of coordinating and increasing public support for early care and education. Volunteers from the early childhood community, with organizational support from First Up, provide leadership for the coalition.
Register for Upcoming SEPECC Virtual Meetings
Please join Southeastern PA Early Childhood Coalition (SEPECC) meetings to learn about what’s happening with federal and state budget/policy, advocacy priorities and activities, OCDEL/DHS/ELRC announcements, special presentation topics, and community partner resources. Meetings will be held from 12:30-2:30pm via Zoom on the following Tuesdays:
March 25th, 2025: Register Here
April 22nd, 2025: Register Here
May 27th, 2025: Register Here
June 24th, 2025: Register Here
Notes from our February 25th SEPECC Virtual Meeting
Links to the 2/25/2025 recording and slides:
Notes from our December 17th SEPECC Virtual Meeting
Links to the 12/17/2024 recording and slides:
Notes from our October 22nd SEPECC Virtual Meeting
Links to the 10/22/2024 recording and slides:
Notes from our June 18th SEPECC Virtual Meeting
Links to the 6/18/24 recording and slides:
Notes from our April 16th SEPECC Virtual Meeting
Links to the 4/16/24 recording and slides:
Notes from our January 28th SEPECC Virtual Meeting
Links to the 1/28/2025 recording and slides:
Notes from our November 26th SEPECC Virtual Meeting
Links to the 11/26/2024 recording and slides:
Notes from our September 24th SEPECC Virtual Meeting
Links to the 9/24/2024 recording and slides:
Notes from our May 21st SEPECC Virtual Meeting
Links to the 5/21/24 recording and slides:
Notes from our March 19th SEPECC Virtual Meeting
Links to the 3/19/24 recording and slides: