Strategic Plan
First Up Strategic Planning

For over 50 years, First Up, has been making a significant, positive impact on the early childhood education (ECE) sector in Southeastern Pennsylvania. Their coaching, training and technical assistance teams have helped hundreds of early childhood programs reach statewide or national accreditation standards. Their advocacy team has created a statewide grassroots advocacy network that has grown to more than 3,000 individuals and organizations that work each day to influence public policy. Their focus on supporting all caregivers (providers and families) who strengthen young children’s lives fosters a future of success for all children.
By supporting early childhood education professionals, organizations, and families for over half a century, First Up has become the Greater Philadelphia region’s most trusted partner and advocate for high-quality early childhood education. First Up’s position within the ECE community has fostered new connections among government officials, partners, and funders and established a collaborative network dedicated to improving the education of our youngest learners, today and every day to come. Building on First Up’s strong foundation, this strategic planning process aimed to strengthen and refine First Up’s capacity to support educators, families, and programs in providing the highest level of education for our youngest learners.

In August 2023, First Up engaged with Bloom Planning to help guide their strategic planning process. With Bloom’s assistance, the planning team analyzed research, reviewed stakeholder feedback, and set future priorities with a clear focus on ensuring all early childhood educators, families, and providers are positioned to advance the future of the children in their care. This belief was an essential piece of the strategic planning process described in this document, and our hope is that it can be seen in the ultimate goals and actions proposed in First Up’s strategic planning elements.